If you're interested in being involved contact Nicolas by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015 09:36
What if your love was illegal?
Lush Cosmetics are launching a LGBT campaign in June across their 850 shops and online and need your help. They are partnering with Allout.org around the subject of 'What if your love was illegal?'.
The idea is to raise awareness that in 76 countries, it’s a crime to be gay. In 10 it can cost you your life.
Nicolas Copeland from Lush is reaching out to see if anyone would interested in being photographed in an environment that reflects you e.g. work, beach, favourite coffee shop or place of hobby. The shoot would be relaxed and low key. Nicolas will also be asking the question, "What if your love was illegal?" to accompany the photograph.